What vitamins are needed for men to improve potency?

Each male representative can find out for himself what a decrease in libido is. It doesn't depend on the age group. A variety of reasons can affect the worsening of erection in men. Nowadays there are many techniques that will help improve male strength. But it is worth knowing what vitamins are important for potency and how they affect the body.

What vitamins does every man need?

Vitamins strengthen potency

In order for men not to suffer intimate life, their body must be given a list of vitamins. Each of them has a specific effect, it is necessary to improve male erection.


Vitamins in products to increase potency
  1. Vitamin A.It is necessary to increase the potency. It also has a positive effect on the human immune system. This vitamin is found in fruits and vegetables that are yellowish and red in color. It's also found in fish oil, dairy products, and carrots.
  2. Vitamin B1.It is also called thiamine. He is able to normalize fat and carbohydrate metabolism. If a representative of the stronger sex does not have enough of this vitamin, he will get tired, nervous, will not sleep well. And this has a negative effect on the erection. For this reason, it is worth consuming potatoes, brown bread, and legumes daily to improve it.
  3. Vitamin B3.It plays an important role in oxidation processes. It affects the improvement of brain activity and the strengthening of blood vessels. If the body lacks this vitamin, then muscle tone is lost, a person often has a headache, sleeps poorly. Vitamin B3 is abundant in salmon, tuna, pork, beets, and peanuts.
  4. Vitamin B6.It is significantly involved in the formation of serotonin, the happiness hormone. There is plenty of this vitamin in carrots, sunflower oil, and eggs. Vitamin deficiency in men makes their legs numb, quick-tempered, and tired quickly.
  5. Vitamin B9.It is very important for men. With its help, you can achieve improvement in male erection. Therefore, it is often used as an ingredient in a wide variety of drugs designed to increase potency. This vitamin is also needed for the body to produce serotonin. If a man receives it in the right amount, his strength will be strengthened and his condition will improve. But the potency suffers from a lack of vitamins, the mood drops, the person gets tired, is in a panic. To increase potency, it is recommended to consume lemons, oranges, cheese and herbs, as these products contain a lot of vitamin B9.
  6. Vitamin C.It is beneficial for men's health as there is a need to improve immunity and increase erection. For this reason, such a vitamin is often included in a large number of sexual enhancers. With its help, capillary permeability in the pelvic area is improved. Vitamin C is found in currants, parsley, peppers, oranges, and lemon.
  7. Vitamin D.It is able to improve testosterone production. Its main source is the sun's rays. Hence, it is good for men to sunbathe. In addition, this vitamin is found in dairy products and eggs.
  8. Vitamin E.With its help, the pituitary gland, which is necessary for the appearance of sperm, is improved. There is plenty of this vitamin in sunflower oil, eggs, oatmeal.
the use of vegetable vitamin salad for potency

The experience of many men proves that eating foods rich in essential vitamins and minerals has a positive effect on potency.

To increase potency, every man needs to eat well to get the necessary vitamins.

It is recommended that you eat vegetables, vegetables, and other foods that are beneficial to men's health on a daily basis.

It is important to know that heavy heat treatment will cause some of the vitamins to be lost. Therefore, do not overdo it when cooking food at high temperatures.

Vitamin complexes that improve potency

It is not always possible to meet the body's need for useful elements with the help of products. In this case, you can use vitamin complexes designed to increase potency in men. There are many of them, they all have different ratings.

Each of the vitamin preparations has its own properties, properties and patient ratings. Therefore, before using it, you need to consult a specialist.

How to eat properly to increase potency

In order to increase potency, it is very important to eat right. In fact, along with food, a person receives the necessary vitamins. Artificial drugs cannot boast of being absorbed as quickly as natural substances.

Every day the menu for men should consist of:

  • Green;
  • Vegetables;
  • Nuts;
  • Vegetable oils;
  • Dairy products;
  • Eggs;
  • Fish dishes.
Products that increase potency

You should not choose fatty meat. This is because it leads to obesity, which negatively affects potency. It is better to give food of plant origin a light heat treatment. It is good to eat raw vegetables and fruits.

Which foods have a negative effect on potency?

To improve potency in men, it is not enough to eat healthy meals and use vitamin complexes. There are a number of foods that are harmful to men's health that should be avoided.

These include:

  • Alcohol;
  • too salty dishes;
  • Caffeine;
  • Energy;
  • Cholesterol.

Alcohol is especially dangerous. Even if a man drinks a little alcohol, it leaves its mark on the reproductive system. This also applies to low-alcohol drinks. When a person consumes poor quality alcohol, he risks depriving himself of the joys of intimate life.

Products that reduce potency

Salt is also detrimental to potency. However, you cannot completely remove it from the menu. For this reason, experts recommend using it in a minimal amount. But cholesterol is the enemy of the heart and the genitourinary system. For this reason, it is best to minimize your consumption of fatty foods.

But that does not mean that it is worth doing without meat altogether. They contain substances that are required for the production of testosterone.

Coffee can lower testosterone. You do not need to completely exclude such a drink from the diet. You just need less of it. It is also better to avoid energy drinks. They will only harm the body, but not quench thirst.

So vitamins are important for men's health. They can be obtained from food as well as from vitamin complexes. In order for them to have a positive effect in combination and improve potency, it is important to know the elementary rules. In the complex you can achieve the desired result and decorate your intimate life. If a man does not receive the necessary elements, then his strength decreases noticeably.